Contain digitises and streamlines the entire CCU hiring process. Enhancing efficiency and transparency to deliver better management of CCU hire status, fleet utilization, tracking and cost control.

CCU vendor system integration
Integration with 3rd Party CCU rental certification systems ensure containers with less than 30 days cannot be hired.

Multiple container set ups
Core fleet, client owned, consignment stock, ad hoc? Contain can manage and accurately report CCU utilisation for all scenarios.

Track and trace
Contain integrates with Flow to provide automated location updates as the CCU moves through the cargo lifecycle.
Key features
off hire triggers
Hire request and
waitlist functionality
Consistency through master data
One system to
support multiple sites
Contain integrates seamlessly
Contain can be used as a standalone application or integrated with Flow for enhanced CCU tracking.
Find out more
Please contact us to find out more or to request a copy of our Contain brochure.
Our suite of technology solutions provides our clients with full visibility across their entire supply chain, ensuring they always have a complete and accurate picture of their operations.